The penfa package (a short form for PENalized Factor Analysis) provides several routines for single- and multiple-group penalized factor analysis for continuous data. The models are estimated via a trust-region algorithm with integrated automatic multiple tuning parameter selection. The available penalties include lasso, adaptive lasso, scad, mcp, and ridge.

The main function of the package is penfa. To learn more about it, start with the vignettes and tutorials at browseVignettes(package = "penfa") and


Penalized factor analysis allows to produce parsimonious models using largely an automated procedure. In the single-group case, a typical penalty function will automatically shrink a subset of the factor loadings to zero. The use of sparsity-inducing penalty functions leads to optimally sparse factor structures supported by the data. The resulting models are less prone to instability in the estimation process and are easier to interpret and generalize than their unpenalized counterparts.

In the multiple-group scenario, penalized factor analysis can be used to automatically ascertain differences and similarities of parameter estimates across groups. Typical penalties will automatically encourage sparse loading matrices and invariant factor loadings and intercepts.

In penfa, estimation is achieved via a penalized likelihood-based framework that builds upon differentiable approximations of non-differentiable penalties, a theoretically founded definition of degrees of freedom, and an algorithm with integrated automatic multiple tuning parameter selection. The estimation is based on a trust-region algorithm approach exploiting second-order analytical derivative information. The standard errors for the model parameters are derived using a Bayesian approach.

The selection of the tuning parameters is a crucial issue in penalized estimation strategies, as the tuning parameters are responsible for the optimal balance between goodness of fit and sparsity. In penfa, the optimal values of the tuning parameters can be determined through the automatic procedure or grid-searches.

In addition to the fitting function penfa, the package provides several methods for examining the parameter estimates, monitoring the optimization process, and inspecting the structures of the penalty matrices through interactive visualizations.


Geminiani, E., Marra, G., & Moustaki, I. (2021). "Single- and Multiple-Group Penalized Factor Analysis: A Trust-Region Algorithm Approach with Integrated Automatic Multiple Tuning Parameter Selection." Psychometrika, 86(1), 65-95. doi: 10.1007/s11336-021-09751-8

Geminiani E. (2020), "A penalized likelihood-based framework for single and multiple-group factor analysis models" (Doctoral dissertation, University of Bologna). Available at

See also


Authors: Elena Geminiani, Giampiero Marra, Irini Moustaki

Maintainer: Elena Geminiani. Please address any query or comment to